02 November 2008


My trusty garmin was errant yesterday. It guided me onto a fairly passable gravel road that turned into a 4wd goat path that ascended to 13,000 feet. I have long joked about getting all of my life complete before 50 and several friends have joked with me about this blog being my attempt at writing my own obituary. There were hours yesterday trying to climb this van to the pass, and there was a point of no turning back because the road was too narrow, too steep, too icy and too much. I admit I was sweating profusely, though it was 29 degrees outside, profusely enough that had to use a towel to dry the steering wheel, but man what an adventure.

I came on a ghost mining town called Adams Forks and there were 4 road choices. Back the way I came was not an option. The second road was covered with snow and went straight back up the mountain. I drove the third road for about 3 miles and it came to a dead end. I should not that the trusty Garmin directional icon had gone off of anything that looked like a road and was just spinning in circles, trying to avoid blame for me getting to this spot. Road # 4 eventually lead me down the mountain, through mud and ice....I actually back the van up several times and made charging runs through the ice and bounced it over rocks. I will say that the van performed above and beyond the call....until the deer that it.

After the 7 hour adventure I realized how great it was, and how insignificant I am compared to this grandeur.

An exciting day, the comet got me through again. From this point forward, if I get another vehicle, I will continue to cross reference the Garmin against a trusty road atlas.


Unknown said...

Just as we all cheer for the little van that could, we read on to see the van was taken out by a deer. Seems rather cruel.

My Life said...

So sorry about the deer and your van, glad you are safe .. hopefully just a small glitch in your journey .. but what an awesome adventure! What a way to hit 50! ... keep it up .. but do try to keep breathing in the process .. :)