22 November 2008

hawks, reorganizing, mark twain, good bread

I don't know if it is because it is more flat and open, or another reason, but I saw more hawks perched on the tops of road side trees in Kansas and Missouri than I did in all of the other states combined. Must be good hunting.

Stopped at Cousin Rick and Cindy's to reorganize the ride. Everything was in its proper bin, but there was a lot of it.

Mark Twain River Boat on Mississippi River in Hannibal Missouri. I was there for a few hours and I am convinced until somebody proves me wrong that every business in the town is named either Twain-something (bank, bakery, hardware) or Clemmens-something (sheriffs dept. school, library)

At this Amish roadside bake sale in Missouri I bought the 3rd best loaf of bread that I have ever tasted, and the 2nd best oatmeal cookie. The folks selling the good respectfully requested that they not be in the photo, though the baked goods were allowed, and I thought that was fair.

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