23 November 2008

family, towns, ice, more signs

Another great stop to see more wonderful family. This is niece Halex, nephew-in-law and cool U.S. Navy dude Tom, dog Onyx and one of their 32 cats sticking its nose in the photo in the back ground. Thank you Tom and Haley for a great visit.

This sign was at a beach on Lake Michigan in Hammond Indiana. My interpretation is that if you were planning to go to this beach and read this sign, you should turn around and go home. OK, I admit I added the "GIRLS" after "GRILLS" but Halex made me do it.

Winter is here.

I wonder how tough this seagull is to stand on these obviously frozen, and certainly very cold, steel pipes.

Traveling on US 30 East /Lincoln Highway I drove through this little town (Delphos) on Sunday evening, but it occurs to me that it could be any little town in any part of America on any given Sunday night.

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