12 November 2008

Boars, Wild Hogs?

Driving along, quite casually as the road signs called for, and meant it, a 10 mph speed limit, in Gila National Forest I came across these wild pig, wild boar, hog type critters in the road.

This guy/gal actually tried, I am convinced, to hide behind this tree so, like a good woodsman, I approached him.

He took the hamhock, as it were, into his own hands and came out from behind the tree to check me out.

Just trying to inspire a little reaction, I tossed a very small stick at him. He reacted. He started running, then veered to his left, towards me.

Like a very not good woodsman, as he came at me I started running for the car and snapping pictures. I have now logged 11,000 miles and it all comes full circle. Just like the quaint eagle back in Canada I think this Wild Boar, hog, pig....whatever he was, meant to attack me and I resorted to plan "A" ....run for the car. As I took this photo over my shoulder I wish I had aimed down just a notch to show his chase, but as is I made it to the car and he ran off into the woods.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you might want to stop tossing sticks at animals?? ... ;)