10 October 2008

Bald Eagle - Canadian or American

I was on Ontario Rt 11 when I came across this eagle. I turned around to go back and take a picture. The photo does not even look real, but he/she was right there in front of me with a catch in talon that was a very large raccoon, a lion or a zebra. When I tried to get closer for a better photo, including the prey, he/she lurched forward and I panicked like a child. I think I threw the camera, but I tried to squeeze off another shot before I attempted to hide under the van. Hence the second shot in this posting. I am quite certain that the eagle screeched at me in eagle, english or french canadian.


Anonymous said...

If you were in Canada, it better have screeched in English AND French...

Anonymous said...

remember the vicious bunny from Monty Python? I know this is more scary than that, but the story reminded me of that...