25 October 2008

San Diego----vamanos a Mexico

Oct 24, 7am leaving USA forev......no wait, I am not sure for how long.
Creo que es posible tener vida en todo el mundo, pero tengo fuerte amor por
mis ninos.

Best hosts on the planet. Thanks O and Linda for a wonderful visit with family.

I don't think it gets much better than biking on the Pacific, but why did the rental guy insist that I take a bike called a Tank? I am not sure I understand.

I am now, and have always been, convinced that at some point we came from the sea, in my case the Pacific.


Blog Stalker said...

I so wish I was on the beach right now!

Dont give up on the USA just yet, there is hope. lol

Anonymous said...

While in Mexico be sure to pick up a copy of Octavio Paz's "Labryinth of Solitude" to check out the Mexican character. It's dead on in many ways (and way off in others). BTW, thanks for the call this morning.
