22 October 2008

Yosemite 1

The 1 hour drive, early on the morning of Oct. 20, into Yosemite National Park was as beautiful as the rest. You can see the massive rocks from 20 miles away. I entered the park at the Mariposa Portal Road gate. Everything about Yosemite was as expected, including the grandeur, including the massive popularity.

Though I have intentionally not planned my routes or stops on this trip, Yosemite is one that needs notice. Every campground in the park was full, and I mean full to the point that the tents were touching each other. That is not in my cards for this trip.

The waterfalls are incredible because they are tall and the streams are, at least from a distance, tiny. A ranger told me they there were very dry this season. Rangers seems to know stuff, and they seem to have to do more work than just ranger the gates and give information.

I saw very little wildlife in Yosemite, I am certain because of the massive crowds, and busses, and shuttles, but I did see a deer briefly. He did not seem frightened until “Misty” a little white dog, very little, started barking like he/she/it was going to attack. The owner yelled at Misty then apologized to the few people standing there, explaining that Misty was very bad, ooh that's a naughty Misty she said and that Misty was just crazy like that. I say, and no one asked, that dogs on or off leashes, should not be allowed on the trails in National Parks. Sit, Misty, sit. Play dead.

Hitting a bear would be a "grizzly proposition" I think.

I wanted to take a picture of a vineyard, and I did, much to the consternation of the driver behind me (see side view mirror) who passed me immediately after this photo and gave me the national road rage salute.

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