16 October 2008

Jogging and Bison

Since I woke up very early this morning, and it was very cold (25 degrees) outside of my warm cozy sleeping bag, I decided to take a run to get my blood moving and to see some more of the park. I found a reasonable trail and I did not think the wildlife would be too bothered.

I found a buffalo chip as a landmark, and geared in my ever faithful now decades old superman hat, I was off. Along the stream trail I came across this big fellow taking a drink. He did not look up at me, so I kept moving. I don't know why it is so easy to get up at sunrise and run on this trip, but I think it has something to do with being hundreds, thousands even, miles away from anything.

Old Faithful was my last stop before heading south out of Yellowstone into the Tetons. It was amazing enough, as is the whole thermals thing, but I was equally amazed at the size of the visitors complex resort. There are no less than 15 massive buildings, and they are constructing a new visitors "super center" confirming once again my conviction that is really the simple things in life that matter to people, simple things like sulphur water blowing out of a big hole. I am glad for simple things.

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